The Order of Memory is now LIVE!

Go check it out, folks. Pick yourself up a copy and enjoy the trip through the lives of Lily Hunt and Silas Jacobson. They’re two kickass people that don’t take crap from anyone. (That sounds better in my head, than written out… but now I’m envisioning Mr. T for some reason.)

I digress.

It’s LIVE! Yes, it’s live! I’m doing a virtual happy dance over here, because I’m so excited to be venturing into new territory with this genre.

You see, I’ve written four “romance” novels. I kind of grew tired of the lovey stuff. I know in my own life, I’ve been married for twelve years now, and I’m in love with my husband, but our relationship isn’t all about romance. In fact, in my real life, romantic stuff creeps me out. I prefer to play video games with my husband, or watch sci fi shows, and romance in real life for me is when he saves me my favorite flavor of hot cocoa. (Which is big for him, because the dude loves his hot cocoa.)

Where am I going with this? You see, that’s what blog posts end up being for me, a rambling of nonsense–it’s like my online journal, and diarrhea of thought. I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “There’s gotta be a point to this post, right?”

THERE IS! My book is LIVE!

I have print copies on their way to me, now, and I will be selling them at an art festival in a few weeks. Then, I have an event in October I will be at as well. Both ebook and print are available on Amazon, right now!